The Bridge is a richly transforming, highly cost effective, Christian gap year. We aim to make costs as low as possible for you. We encourage you to save as much as you can too and perhaps even fundraise for your trip to South East Asia.
Costs include tuition, the Cultural Study Tour (airfares,accommodation and standard travel insurance) and most activities irrespective of whichever Bridge level you study. These include all lunches and morning teas on campus and when out and about in Sydney, all practical skills course costs (e.g First Aid, Defensive driving, cooking for crowds, Safe Ministry Course (if required), kitchen safety training, and more), entry and tour costs of venues including mosques and temples, team building activities including camps and outings, bus and transport to some locations.
However, for the Cultural Study Tour, you will need to supply your own passport/cost of passport/vaccinations,spending money, etc. Other extra costs to consider are accommodation in/near Sydney, getting to and from the campus, transport to voluntary off-campus activities, text books and stationery. We recommend you contact us regarding what is and isn't included in the cost of doing The Bridge. Please also refer to the Government Study Assist website for full FEE-HELP details.
At all times, irrespective of when you apply, our aim is to keep costs as low as possible.
FEE-HELP is an Australian Government loan scheme that assists students to pay their tuition fee and is available to all Australian citizens. It is available to students who are enrolled in the Diploma of Christian Studies, and who intend to complete it. There is an additional loan fee of 20 percent applied to FEE-HELP loans for undergraduate courses.
For more information visit the Study Assist website.
The costs for the different study options are:
$19,040 for the Diploma of Christian Studies* (96 credit point total - 8 units at 12 credit points each). This amount can be deferred using FEE-HELP.
There is an additional upfront fee to cover costs not associated with the Diploma of $6,200 (FEE-HELP is not available for this amount)
TOTAL $25,240 (with the option to defer $19,040 on FEE-HELP)
TOTAL $16,200. (FEE-HELP is not available for this amount)
TOTAL $14,200. (FEE-HELP is not available to defer this amount)
*If you're an overseas student applying for the Diploma of Christian Studies, please note that your costs are different to those listed above. Please contact us for further details.
If you are enrolled in the Diploma, you may be eligible for Youth Allowance and can apply at Centrelink. Youth Allowance is income and assets tested. For further details contact Centrelink on 132 490 or Youth Allowance.
Note: If you are enrolled in the Diploma of Christian Studies you are entitled to a concession card. For more information, please visit NSW Transport/Opal.
Please speak with us if you may require some financial assistance to join The Bridge.
Here's some important related policies:
The Bridge Payment Policy